I was so excited for Halloween this year because we finally live in a house that gets trick-o-treaters!! Ever since I moved out of my parent's house I haven't got to pass out candy. Which was really sad for me, I would decorate my house every year and no one would ever come :( But not this year we had a good turn out! Favorite costumes were a little girl, maybe 2 years old, dressed up as a gnome! She was soo cute. Also there was a Buzz Lightyear that was awesome and Indiana Jones was neat too!
But this year we got to celebrate Halloween twice, that meant I got to dress up twice, score!! On Saturday we went down to North Platte to our cousin's Kristin's house for her annual Halloween party. It was some much fun, the theme was the 80's so Justin and I dressed up like Pacman and Ms. Pacman.
Our favorite costumes from the party were the Married with Children couple, Macgyver, and of course ours. And yes I did make our costumes, which I'll have to say was way more fun than buying them. Last year we paid over $100 for our costumes and they were so cheaply made that I had to modify them anyways. So in the long run it's way easier, cheaper and more fun to make your own.
Then on Halloween we had our own little Halloween/ pumpkin craving party. It was fun we watched How to Train you Dragon, craved pumpkins, ate goodies and I passed out candy to the little kids. On Halloween I dressed up as a Slytherin student. Kaedo was a buck-a-roo, George was a princess and Justin was Tony Stark.
Fun time!!!! I really am liking those pumpkin pictures. they all look pretty snazzy!