Well it's been a few weeks....ok maybe a month since The Prairie Club has been open to the public (and this is why there has been no blog post) and I've been busy busy busy! The opening went a little smoother than last year, that is until we hired the new staff. When it was just me it was easy, but throw 6 new girls into the mix and things get a little confusing. But we didn't have any major problems, so that's good. I'm finally getting on a normal schedule again, meaning that I'm not living out at the lodge anymore and not everything is dependent on me. Thank goodness because I'm not going to be answering phone calls at 1:00am asking me where the stapler is after the baby is born.
So far this season the weather has just sucked! I feel so bad for the guys that travel 5,6,7 hours to come and play in freezing cold rain and 45mph winds. But I know summer is on it's way and soon we'll be begging for some rain.
Well that's all I got so far, no crazy stories yet.... I guess I'm not working the crazy shift so maybe I won't see anymore crazies.